Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daniel Limbe,Reporter Chato
Day after new teachers over 60 secondary school district Geita Mwanza sleep at the office of director of the council the press paid deserving their other teachers 50 in the councils of Chato region have rolled out at the office of the council of their demanding monthly salaries, fares and subsistence allowances.

Speaking to this newspaper today some of those teachers who however did not like their names written newspaper have said they have failed to afford the cost of living on stations work after due to lack of funds to enable them to survive a situation that has led some female teachers to engage in sexual relations in order to afford life.

The police district here limeimalisha protection in the area for more than 2 hours until they were leaving teachers to avoid possible extinction for breach of peace.

Likewise asked to describe the amount assumed by those teachers director, he has claimed not to have accurate data and that might be available should be given enough time to claim today he had the ceremony on the women around which the district level have been made to the village and county Katende.

Acting director of the District Ishengoma Kyaruzi has claimed that the demands of the teachers they are correct, except they have to pull the patient while the council continues to make contacts and do not have the money and that he had given "the website" the ministry so that when they found the money given to go and carry on the District.

Their claims are the wages of February, remittances for 4 days after they had paid 3 days the amount of Tsh 135,000 instead of 7 days and money to transport their luggage, money that have been beaten chip indeed hour by hour with the director Hamida Kwikwega failing when they wanted to know sure of their money.

The move that led police to the area of ​​the council of Chato and scatter these teachers claimed focuses disappointing in demanding their rights from the assigned amount of Shs 135,000 to sustain for more than 40 days as they promised their claims for days that have no implementation.

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